Saturday, January 9, 2010

5 Question Friday

My Little Life

I am a little late posting this since it's Saturday today but I want to give it a try. This is my first blog hop but I have enjoyed reading others in previous weeks.

What's your "comfort food"?
My favorite comfort food would be sweets. I love to munch on anything sweet, mainly chocolate. Well, I did until I started the Shred. Now it's a rice cake with peanut butter and raisins.

Do you send Thank You's (handwritten or email)?
I really try to send out handwritten Thank You's when the boys or I receive a gift but that does not always happen. Sometimes I forget.
If you had to be trapped in a TV show for a month, which show would you choose?
Hmm this is a hard question. One Tree Hill is one of my favorites and I love all the characters. It would be my first choice.

What is your favorite online recipe site?
I go to or thepioneer women

5. If you had to choose: "Friends" or "Seinfeld"?

Friends for sure.

MckLinky Blog Hop

1 comment:

Mama M. said...

So glad you joined in! I hope you enjoyed your first 5QF, and I hope you'll come back for more!

I enjoyed reading your answers...stinks doesn't it...when your comfort food goes from chocolate to rice cakes? Ugh...stupid diets.
