Friday, August 28, 2009

The past 4 years...

This time of year 4 years ago Ryan and I were newlyweds considering moving 2000 miles from friends, family, and a familiar life to attend college at Evangel. We had close friends telling us it would be a great opportunity, youth pastors encouraging the move, and even family thinking it would be a great experience. I was dead set against moving. When Ryan first said he wanted to move to Missouri I looked at him and said "How am I supposed to have babies in Missouri?". He laughed and said the same way we would in California. Little did I know we would be packing suitcases to fly to MO day the after Thanksgiving to visit the school, check out the area, and look for a place to live. We had an enjoyable visit and like the school and area.
I was scared to death!
I did not want to admit that I liked it because I was afraid that it would encourage the move. At the time we figured we would work through the winter, spring, and summer and leave for MO in August. Boy was I wrong. 1 short month later we were loading our U-Haul and saying goodbye to family and friends. My best friend drove with me in my car and Ryan and his dad were the drivers of the U-Haul. I fought back tears all the way to Utah. We arrived to a small little duplex in what I percieved as a scary part of town 3 days later. Kristina stayed a week to help me unpack and adjust to the move. I called home every night and missed my friends a ton. We went home for Spring Break and then for the whole summer of 2006.
Fall of 2006 we announced we were adding to our family. The morning (ALL DAY) sickness was horrible and I had early morning classes. I had to find a doctor in the midst of not knowing anyone. Luckily the school nurse directed to me a doctor that she had previously worked with. Family came to celebrate Christmas that year in Mo. We had a great time. In March, we flew to Ca. for Spring Break and a Baby Shower. We were having a boy! We were so excited. 2 1/2 weeks early on June 22nd labor started. I was so scared. We didn't have any family here and we were having a baby. My wonderful girls from the youth group kept me company all night and through the next day until Levi entered the world. He was/is amazing!
Shortly after Levi was born we moved to a bigger/nicer/newer duplex and I got a full time job. I decided to change majors and join Degree Completion. When Levi was just 4 months old we announced we would be adding to our family again. Family had mixed feelings but we were so excited. We went to Ca. for Christmas and had a great time. Everyone doted on Levi and he was spoiled!
June came and we celebrated Levi's 1st birthday. I was 8 1/2 months pregnant and it was HOT! I couldn't believe my baby was 1 and I was going to be giving birth again soon. July came and 3 days after my due date we welcomed Luke into the world. It was an incredibly fast and easy delivery (thank you epidural). Levi was a big brother and I had a newborn again. Thanks to great friends and family the first week of having 2 babies went great.
I started school again (after a year break) in September and decided that doing daycare in our home was the best for our family. I am able to stay home with my boys and also make an income for our family. I've really enjoyed it.
Fall and winter came and went. We visited Ryans family in Colorado for Christmas. Santa visited us on Christmas Eve and delivered the boys a present and they were able to sit on his lap. It was a great Christmas with my 2 boys and family surrounding us.
As summer approached I started planning the party for Levi's 2nd Birthday and Luke's 1st. My dad and his g.f. joined us for the occasion and it was a great time celebrating the births of my boys. We enoyed the rest of summer with trips to the park, pool, zoo, Silver Dollar City, and Branson to visit friends.
This week school started again and I can see the light at the end of the (first) tunnel. This school year signifies my last school year working on my bachelors. May 7th is graduation day and I cannot believe that after 4 years and 2 babies I will walk the line. I start my practicum on Friday the 3rd and am so excited for the experience to work with women in addiction recovery. It is going to be an amazing experience.
It is incredible to look back on the past 4 years and see how far we have come. We went from newlyweds in a new state far from family and friends to parents in a state that is now our home. We have made a home for ourselves in Missouri and love it!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Sunday Fun with family and friends

It is not often that our family has an afternoon to pack a picnic dinner and enjoy the afternoon in the park. Sunday we had that opportunity. I packed sandwiches, fruit kabobs, chips, and raspberry lemonade and we headed to Sequiota Park. We sat on a blanket and enjoyed our dinner with some friends. The weather was beautiful and the boys were in great moods. After our dinner was finished we let the boys play on the equipment and run around the grass.

Levi decided it was a great idea to chase Luke around and tackle him the moment he stood up. Luke also that was a good idea. He never fussed or cried about it. He would stand up, look behind him at Levi, and start laughing. I fear football is in their future...

And down Luke goes...

Levi spent a lot of the afternoon running around in huge grassy area.

Luke decided it was his turn to chase Levi. Levi is much fast.

Luke is taking off...

Our friends Zach and Amber joined us at the park with their little boy Finn. They are great friends and we are happy we were able to get together.
Levi loves baby Finn...

but does not love their dog Bonham...

Finn is adorable!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Take me out to the ballgame...

We had a fun-filled Friday night. We took the boys to a Cardinals baseball game. Springfield Cardinals that is. We were able to sit in the grass area so the boys could run around without disrupting others. Levi loved cheering "woohoo" and both boys loved clapping and cheering when the crowd did. It was so nice being together as a family on Friday night. Most Fridays Ryan works. Anna joined us so we were a complete family.

Family Picture at the game.

Luke resting on Daddy's lap toward the end

Luke and Daddy

Levi running down the hill toward us.

Luke had so much fun running down the hill. He would get going so fast that the only way to stop was to fall down. It was really cute.

Levi and Daddy. Levi has a very mischievous look on his face. He gets that from his Daddy.

Anna was picking on Levi and she thought it was hillarious. Levi misses her so much.

He cuddled with Anna a lot during the game. He loves when she is around. His surrogate big sister.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Rainy Days

We have a nice little sun room off our kitchen that the boys are able to play in on rainy days. They still get fresh air but they are not out in the rain. There is a doggy door off of the sun room that leads to the back yard. Levi was in the sunroom (or so I thought) while I was making lunch yesterday. When I went out to tell him his lunch was ready this is what I found...
It was absolutely pouring and he was just sitting there soaking up the rain. I don't think i've ever let him just play in the rain before so he was a little unsure and kept covering his eyes.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

I love these boys...

Luke relaxing on the couch before bed

Luke riding his dinosaur Kota

Levi thinks bowls should be used as chairs

Man he's cute

Big smiles

Monday, August 17, 2009

Practicum News

I am in the last year of school working towards my Bachelors in Human Services. Along with a full load we are also required to complete 150 hours of practicum. We were given a list of agencies we could complete our hours in or we could find a location on our own.
On Friday, I interviewed with the administrative team at the Carol Jones Recovery Center for Women. After the interview I felt very confident with the interview and was very interested in what the center had to offer to their clients. It really seemed like it would be a good fit for me. I received and email this morning from the director saying they would love to have me as a practicum student if I was willing. I am so excited to start this new adventure in my school/professional career. I will be meeting with the coordinator this week to finalize all the details.
On the home front all is well. The boys are keeping me very busy, and getting bigger everyday. Luke is starting to talk a little here and there. His favorite word is "tada" from Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. It's so cute. Him and Levi are constantly pushing each other down and wrestling. They are all boy and it's so much fun.
Levi has resumed napping after a week hiatus. Thank God! I was going crazy with the napless days. His vocabulary is growing daily. I have seen a huge improvement since we have taken the pacifier away. He is such a ham and keeps us laughing all day.
Ryan and I start school next week and we are both looking forward to graduation day!
And now a few pictures for you enjoyment...

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Why won't he nap??????

Levi has always been a very good sleeper and napper. He never fussed when we put him down he would just roll over and go to sleep. Nap time was the time of I day I would refocus and plan out the rest of my day. The toys would get picked up and the kitchen cleaned from lunch. The last 4 days Levi has decided that he no longer wants to nap. Instead, he plays quietly (sometimes) in his room.
Where has my little napper gone? How will I get homework done if he doesn't nap? So many questions run through my mind but most of all it makes me sad knowing he is growing up more and more everyday!

Levi just a few weeks when he fell asleep while watching Handy Manny. He once fell asleep on his own...

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Diaper snob no more...

Target Brand Up
VS. Pampers Baby Dry

I have always been a firm supporter of Pampers Baby Dry diapers. I have tried other brands and they all leaked. When I had Luke I stuck with Pampers because I knew they worked. As I browsing through the baby section at Target Friday night I saw that Target had a new brand of diapers Up & Up. There was a diaper sticking out of a package and it felt as soft as Pampers. I looked up some reviews on my phone and after reading many good reviews I decided I would give them a try.

Here is what I discovered:

~Up & Up is just as soft as pampers
~After 3 days we have had no leaks
~They fit the boys very well
~The tabs are more sturdy than those on Pampers
~They are almost half the price of Pampers
~I love them!
~Very cute polka dot design too!

After Bath Nakedness and Fun...

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Day at the park

Yesterday was a beautiful day and I decided it was the perfect day to take the boys to Rutledge Farm. I was excited when I pulled up and there were only a few cars in the lot. It is normally so busy it's hard to have fun because of the amount of kids. I took the boys to see the miniature horses, cows, and goats. Levi would not get too close but loved seeing them.

Levi and Luke playing with the water spout. They really wanted to get in the water.

Levi playing in the tunnel slide

Little Luke looking at the animals

Driving the tractor

Brothers driving the tractor together

Levi was not happy that I made him sit on the tractor. He had just woken up from his nap so there were no smiles.

I enjoy beautiful days that I can spend outside playing with the boys. They have so much fun running around and getting all their energy out.