Thursday, April 14, 2011

Dirty Faces

This little boy (in orange)....
Always has a dirty face.
No matter what.
It's a good thing it's a cute dirty face

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Beautiful Spring Saturday

The weather has been amazing around here lately.
Saturday was a high of 95. We decided to head out for our first trip to the zoo of the year. It was a perfect day for the zoo.
Except it was a Saturday. Ticket prices are discounted due to "Africa" being closed. Therefore, there were a ton of people there. Overall we had a blast. The boys were so excited to see the animals and ride the Merry Go Round. We are looking forward to many more zoo trips and for Africa to re-open.
Now for some pictures of our day.

Here is Baby L hanging out in his stroller

All 3 L's at the start of the day

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

I miss blogging

I miss sharing our daily lives with family and friends.
I miss journaling the crazy things my boys do and say.
I miss sharing recipes or asking for advice.
I am hoping to be able to start back for real. I know i've said it numerous times but now that we are on a good schedule with the boys and our lives are not "as crazy" I am hoping I can commit again.
The boys are constantly saying and doing the craziest things. I want to have a place to journal what they say and do so we can laugh about it at a later time.
So this is it. I'm going to be consistent!