Friday, June 19, 2009

Cranky Luke and Swimming

Fussy? Cranky? Attached to Mommy?

Luke has been all these for the last week. I did not understand what was going on. He was not running a fever, he was fed, dry, and had napped. He would not stay in the nursery on Sunday. They had to come and get me because he would not calm down. I discovered Tuesday (I think) that he had two teeth coming in. No wonder the poor little guy has been fussy. His teeth have been hurting him. Then I discovered last night that he actually has 4 teeth coming in at ONCE! Poor little just can't get a break. Hopefully, after these teeth come in he will have a little relief before more come in.

As for the not staying in the nursery on Sunday. I think that may have to do with him being a Mommy's boy. He stays home with me all day and doesn't like to be away from me. Levi was used to being away from me at this age because I worked full-time. Having the opportunity to stay home with the boys is an AMAZING opportunity that I am so thankful for. I am hoping the play groups will get Luke used to being around more people and he will be a little more social.

Thursday Night Swimming!

Ryan and I took the boys swimming at a friends pool. We had a lot of fun. When summer started Levi was deathly afraid of the pool. I have no clue why but he was. We have gone swimming quite a bit since then and he is no longer afraid and has lots of fun. He is jumping to us from the side of the pool and he plays on the steps (with us right by him of course). Luke loves to sit in his little floaty and splash. He is so content when we are in the water. He is a little fish. I am thinking about signing of for a mommy and me swim class if I can find one on Tuesdays that has childcare for one of the boys each week.

That is all for now! Hope you all have a fabulous Friday!

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