Wednesday, December 23, 2009

What a Great Daddy

My boys are very lucky to have a daddy that enjoys spending time with them and making them laugh. He is always there to roll around on the ground and have a great time! He cuddles up and falls asleep with them, and always makes sure they get lots of hugs and kisses from him. I love him for being a great husband and a great daddy! We are lucky to have him around.


Tinkerbell Memories said...

Hey Amanda! I came from the blog frog and saw where you commented that you're also from Springfield. That's awesome! Maybe we can meet for lunch sometime! That would be fun! :) I hope you had a great Christmas!

Amanda said...

That would be a lot of fun! We had a great Christmas and now that we are back home i'll be able to blog about it. I hope your christmas was great also.