Living with two small boys and a husband who loves to wrestle and fight with the boys makes for a very rambunctious house at times. Last night was one of those times. Levi fell asleep on the couch at 6 pm and after letting him take a short nap I had to wake him up so he would go to bed on time. After dinner and jammies Levi found his sword and decided it was time to "fight" with daddy. Then Luke found the other sword and the fight was on. Levi tends to forget that Luke is smaller and that swords fights should not involve pushing. Luke was pushed to the ground a few times and hit once. He never cried. He just laughed and got right back up. He is a trooper. After the fights calmed down the boys got on the couch with us and I attempted to calm them down and we got a fun picture of the three of us (thanks Ry).
This is Levi getting ready
Luke thought it was a good idea to attack the camera and came running towards me. You gotta love the smile though
The raising of swords signifies the beginning of another fight.
Daddy won this battle.

Our husbands are not allowed to meet...there would be a disaster. My husband made foam swords taped with electrical tape and we have sword fights, well, all day. My daughter thinks shes a Barbie Muskateer. Do you know how many times I've been attacked by that stinking sword? LOL.
So cute!
They remind me so much of my boys when they were little! :)
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