Tonight he walked into the room and said "I want a paci." When I told him he was a big boy he looked at me and started barking. Not sure what the barking was going to do but it made me laugh.
The last few nights I have put him to bed and about 3o minutes later he came downstairs and said "I wake up!" I said no it's night night time lets go back to your bed. He said "No I sit. I watch Mickey."
He is also learning his animal sounds and when we ask him what animal says what he will make that noise. When we ask him what Mickey says he says "Toodles". If you have ever seen Mickey Mouse Clubhouse you'll understand.
I love that he is talking more and able to tell me what he wants or what's wrong. It is so much fun.
Luke is a ball of energy and wants to do everything Levi does. He is starting to move tubs to get to what he wants and has recently starting jumping from everything. He just wants to be like his big brother.
Luke can say dog, night night, mama, dada, hi, and bye. They are both growing up so much and I am loving this stage with them.

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