On Friday, I interviewed with the administrative team at the Carol Jones Recovery Center for Women. After the interview I felt very confident with the interview and was very interested in what the center had to offer to their clients. It really seemed like it would be a good fit for me. I received and email this morning from the director saying they would love to have me as a practicum student if I was willing. I am so excited to start this new adventure in my school/professional career. I will be meeting with the coordinator this week to finalize all the details.
On the home front all is well. The boys are keeping me very busy, and getting bigger everyday. Luke is starting to talk a little here and there. His favorite word is "tada" from Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. It's so cute. Him and Levi are constantly pushing each other down and wrestling. They are all boy and it's so much fun.
Levi has resumed napping after a week hiatus. Thank God! I was going crazy with the napless days. His vocabulary is growing daily. I have seen a huge improvement since we have taken the pacifier away. He is such a ham and keeps us laughing all day.
Ryan and I start school next week and we are both looking forward to graduation day!
And now a few pictures for you enjoyment...

Just found your blog through MckMama's.
I'm your newest blog follower! Your boys are such cuties!!!
I hope you have a great day!! :)
Thank you! I was just over at your blog today also! Thanks!
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