Dear Levi,
I understand you enjoy sleeping with mommy and daddy at night. I enjoy cuddling up with you also. However, I do not enjoy the space your small body takes up in my bed when you lay diagonal and horizontal. You are not supposed to be parallel with the pillows with your cute little feet in my face. I also do not enjoy getting hit in the face with your sippy cup when you are done taking a drink of water. I know this is not intentional but if you could be a little careful I would appreciate it. Lastly, I also do not like getting the remote thrown at my face at 7 am so you can watch Mickey. I know Mickey is super and your favorite but a simple "Mickey Please" would be a much nicer way of asking. It would also probably make for a much happier mommy in the mornings. I love you bubby and I look forward to many more morning snuggles.
Friday, January 29, 2010
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Pretty cool dudes....
I have the joy of raising two pretty cool kids. I love my boys a lot and am thankful everyday that they are in my life. They have the ability to make my day brighter with one smile, "hi mama", or kiss. This is not to say that I do not have days that are trying or that I do not get frustrated with my super cool kids. I do and I hate it when I do. Overall, I am a momma who loves her boys more than anything and strives to be the best momma I can be.
Last week we enjoyed a nice dinner at our friends house and Levi dressed up as a soldier. He was walking through the house growling at everyone. (Apparently soldiers growl now) It was a lot of fun. He also dressed up as spider man but I could not find the picture.
Luke was cuddling with Daddy watching cartoons and he put his hat on and just relaxed. He apparently knows that he is super cool and just wanted everyone else to know. Look at those eyelashes. They are amazing!

Monday, January 25, 2010
Poor little fishy
I was vacuuming the edges of the living room with the house last night and accidentally sucked up a fish from Levi's game. Levi kept looking in the hose saying "Oh no it's stucks". It was really cute.

Sunday, January 10, 2010
Getting to know you...

1. If you were stranded on a desert island and could pick one person to be stranded with you..Who would you pick? Family members not included.
I would probably take my best friend Beth with me. We always have so much together and it would be a lot of fun.
2. Do you read celebrity gossip?
I am definitely guilty of ready celebrity gossip from time to time. I do not read it daily but occasionally.
I am definitely guilty of ready celebrity gossip from time to time. I do not read it daily but occasionally.
3. Favorite show you're watching this season?
Hmm that's a tough one. I would have to say One Tree Hill or Real Housewives of Orange County. Both awesome.
Hmm that's a tough one. I would have to say One Tree Hill or Real Housewives of Orange County. Both awesome.
4. How tall are you?
5'3 maybe
5. What was the last book you read?
I have only read books for school in the last year. The last book for pleasure was Tori spellings book Stori telling.
5. What was the last book you read?
I have only read books for school in the last year. The last book for pleasure was Tori spellings book Stori telling.
6. Flats or heels?
I love to wear heels but I almost always choose flats. Chasing two boys around is hard in heels.
7. If you had to choose one natural disaster to go through, what would you choose..Earthquake, Tornado, or Hurricane?
Well, since i've lived in an area with Tornadoes the last 4 years I will tornadoes. We always have warnings that there are spotting and one is coming our way. We have time to hit the basement and take cover. Although, we have never actually had a tornado touch down in our area. Thank God!
8. Thong, panties, or (gasp) granny panties?
Almost always thongs. They are more comfy.
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Day 4-The Shred and some cuteness
Today is day 4 of the 30 Day Shred. I almost backed out and rested instead of working out. It took Levi FOREVER to go to sleep. He kept taking his pajamas off and running downstairs. When he finally went to sleep at 9:45 I decided not to back out. It felt so great to work out. I am doing consistently better at every workout. There are only a few techniques that I have to take a break on. I am consistently losing weight. I am tracking every few days. Overall, I am very happy with myself for being diligent with working and I am feeling better everyday.
The boys love to take the cushions off of our couch and Luke apparently thinks they are to be climbed. He is wearing his daddies hat while climbing the mountain.

Levi had a pacifier in his mouth when I walked in the room and quickly took it out of his mouth and put in his lap so I wouldn't see it. Notice the grin on his face.
I love these little guys more than words can express. I am so happy my practicum is FINISHED so I can spend more time with them on Saturdays when my husband is home.
The boys love to take the cushions off of our couch and Luke apparently thinks they are to be climbed. He is wearing his daddies hat while climbing the mountain.

Levi had a pacifier in his mouth when I walked in the room and quickly took it out of his mouth and put in his lap so I wouldn't see it. Notice the grin on his face.

5 Question Friday
I am a little late posting this since it's Saturday today but I want to give it a try. This is my first blog hop but I have enjoyed reading others in previous weeks.
1. What's your "comfort food"?
My favorite comfort food would be sweets. I love to munch on anything sweet, mainly chocolate. Well, I did until I started the Shred. Now it's a rice cake with peanut butter and raisins.
2. Do you send Thank You's (handwritten or email)?
I really try to send out handwritten Thank You's when the boys or I receive a gift but that does not always happen. Sometimes I forget.
3. If you had to be trapped in a TV show for a month, which show would you choose?
Hmm this is a hard question. One Tree Hill is one of my favorites and I love all the characters. It would be my first choice.
4. What is your favorite online recipe site?
I go to or thepioneer women
5. If you had to choose: "Friends" or "Seinfeld"?
Friends for sure.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
oh the soreness...
Day 2 of the Shred was accompanied by soreness. I am happy to feel that the workouts are working but good golly am I sore. I did a pretty good job getting the workouts without having to take breaks. I did have to take a couple few second breaks but overall it went very well. The boys were awake when I did my exercise today and I will not be doing it with them awake again. They did good while I was up doing jumping jack, they jumped along with me, but when I was on the ground they wanted to climb on me. So tomorrow it will have to be done during nap or after they go to bed. I am so excited to be on this journey towards better health and having friends to encourage and sympathize with. My husband is considering doing the exercise too. He keeps saying he is but we'll see if he actually does it.
On a whole other topic this face just melts my heart. He is the sweetest little guy and loves to snuggle. He is a mamas boy and I love it. He has the bluest eyes and the longest eyelashes. So full of energy but yet so full of love. Just thought you all needed to see it.

On a whole other topic this face just melts my heart. He is the sweetest little guy and loves to snuggle. He is a mamas boy and I love it. He has the bluest eyes and the longest eyelashes. So full of energy but yet so full of love. Just thought you all needed to see it.

30 Day Shred
After having the boys I have had a very hard time losing the baby weight. I have not actively exercised and I know that is why the weight is still there. I bought Jillian Micheal's 30 Day Shred a few months ago and it sat in my t.v. stand untouched. Some of my bloggy friends are doing a 30 Day shred challenge and I decided to join in. I was too late signing up to be apart of the actual challenge but I am working right along with them. I think blogging about the challenge and having others encourage me will help me stick to it. I would love to buy a treadmill to use on top of the shred video. I am also eating better to help get the maximum benefits from the workouts. Wish me luck as I continue on this journey.
Day 1: Last night was my first day doing the workout and it seriously kicked my butt. I was all gross after the workout and could barely move. This morning I woke up very sore and am unsure how I am going to complete Day 2 but I must. I can handle 20 minutes of torture since I know I am going to see results.
Day 1: Last night was my first day doing the workout and it seriously kicked my butt. I was all gross after the workout and could barely move. This morning I woke up very sore and am unsure how I am going to complete Day 2 but I must. I can handle 20 minutes of torture since I know I am going to see results.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Monday Night Crazies
The boys always have a crazy amount of energy on the bath nights and even more on the evenings that daddy is home to play with them. So Monday night was bath night and my husband was home to bathe them and play with them after wards. Luke has decided to be a stunt man and was diving into the bathtub and cracking us up. They loves taking baths but with their horrible skin we have to keep baths to a minimum to keep them from breaking out in rashes. So Monday night looked a little like this...
Jumping on the ottoman after his bath
Daddy teaching the boys how to pillow fight. As if they needed help learning how to hurt one another.
Making funny faces at the camera
I'm not really sure what he was doing but it was so funny and it made for a great picture.
My husband had sent Luke to "get" mommy and this is the picture I got of it.

Sunday, January 3, 2010
They make me laugh
Last night the boys were playing in their new tent and they were having so much fun. They were laughing and tickling each other and playing Peek a boo through the door. I was sitting on the couch watching them and taking pictures and it was heart warming to watch. They love each other so much and I love them so much. They are best friends and I enjoy watching them become better friends everyday.

Saturdays are normally pretty busy for me because I have my practicum and then get home and have to make dinner and clean up the house. I miss the boys so much on Saturdays because I am not used to be away from them. I love when I come home and they are in good moods like they were last night. Next weekend is my last practicum day. I will miss the experience and the wonderful ladies I was working with but I am so ready to have my Saturdays back with my boys.
2010 is going to be a great year for us. In May I will finally graduate with my BS in Human Services. I am so excited to have finally achieved this goal. All our family is going to be here for the graduation and a visit. It will be a great time. I am hoping to make it back to Cali to see some of our family, but not sure that is going to happen. We are not sure what else is in store for 2010 but I know that it will be a great year for our family. I hope you all have a great 2010 also!

Saturdays are normally pretty busy for me because I have my practicum and then get home and have to make dinner and clean up the house. I miss the boys so much on Saturdays because I am not used to be away from them. I love when I come home and they are in good moods like they were last night. Next weekend is my last practicum day. I will miss the experience and the wonderful ladies I was working with but I am so ready to have my Saturdays back with my boys.
2010 is going to be a great year for us. In May I will finally graduate with my BS in Human Services. I am so excited to have finally achieved this goal. All our family is going to be here for the graduation and a visit. It will be a great time. I am hoping to make it back to Cali to see some of our family, but not sure that is going to happen. We are not sure what else is in store for 2010 but I know that it will be a great year for our family. I hope you all have a great 2010 also!
Friday, January 1, 2010
This morning started at 7 am when the boys woke up in happy moods. Levi and I went to get donuts and Starbucks. My husband woke up in the worst mood ever. He broke his glasses and then the screw fell on the floor. You would have thought it was the end of the world. He has been a butthead all morning. He thinks he's being funny but he's not. Just a butthead!
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