This time I decided we would take it slow and start by taking the paci away during the day while Levi was playing and slowly move toward naps and night time. Saturday and Sunday went fairly well. He only asked for his paci a few times and didn't completely lose it when we said no. On Sunday after a nap Levi threw a fit because Ryan took his paci away so Ryan had Levi throw one of them away hoping that would help him realize that they were going " bye bye". He did really well the rest of the day.
Sunday night rolled around and Levi had done great all afternoon without his paci and so I decided we would try bedtime without his paci. I put him to bed with his cup of water and when he asked for his Paci I told him that they went bye bye. He fussed for a little while but eventually fell asleep without it. Go figure he wakes up a few hours later with a horrible cough and a mild fever and all he wanted was his paci. I did NOT give in this time. I just cuddled with him and told him the pacis went bye bye. He did not sleep well sunday night but I am unsure if it was because he did not have his paci or because he was not feeling well. All I do know is I am so excited that I will not have to worry about leaving the house without a paci.
We have decided to continue letting Luke keep his paci at nap and bedtime for a little bit longer. Ryan works most nights and so I do the bedtime routine on my own and decided that I would lose my mind if I had to deal with 2 kids in the process of saying good bye to Mr. Paci at the same time.
Levi has remarkably well today without his paci and even took a nap with very little fussing at all. He is such a big boy and it saddens me that he is growing up so fast.
Here are a few pictures just because I think they are the most handsome boys around. I love them so much and cannot imagine my life without them. I am so thankful that I am able to stay home with them all day and care for them.